When eating noodles, AB suddenly stand up and leave, A n O would be startled. B would just continue eating the noodles.
After A leaves, O would follow to see what has happened. A would be disturbed by this leaving. B continues to eat his noodles taking no notice of O and AB's depature.
A was troubled because he thought that O and AB leave because of him. B only knew abt their depature after he finish his noodles.
Even though the noodles is very horrible, A, O and AB would only make the comments in their heart. B on the other hand would say out loud his thoughts. His strength is also his weakness : straightfoward, direct.
Every blood type like different kind of space as well. A likes to be near the wall. B likes to be in the centre of the room. O likes to walk to and fro in the room. AB likes be at the corner of the room.
O will always be late but B is even worse, he will still be at home when his friends will call him. maybe B will not come out at all if he just feel lazy want to stay at home.
AB's world is very imaginative. he thinks too much. very hard to understand how AB thinks.

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